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Population of Hillsborough Approximately 670

Historical Context

Number of States in the US – 44

President – Grover Cleveland


1889 -- James B. Duke incorporates the American Tobacco Company and manufactures half of the cigarettes consumed in the US

1891 -- The NC General Assembly charters the State Normal and Industrial School as the first state-supported institution of higher education for women (now the University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

1891 -- Thomas Edison patents the kinetoscopic camera, which takes moving pictures on a strip of film

1891 -- James Naismith invents basketball in Springfield, MA

1892 -- Ellis Island Immigration Station begins processing immigrants

1893 -- the Duryea Brothers road-test the first American-made, gasoline-powered automobile

1893 – Pepsi-Cola invented in New Bern, NC

1894 -- Congress passes the first graduated income tax.  The U.S. Supreme Court declares it unconstitutional the following year

1896 -- The United States Supreme Court rules in Plessy v. Ferguson that “separate but equal” racial accommodations are constitutional

1896 -- the last great North American "Gold Rush" begins when gold is discovered in the Yukon District of Canada

1897 – City of Chapel Hill passes legislation to officially segregate its schools

1894 Numbered.png

Based on a Map by the Sanborn Fire Company


In the mid-19th century, American insurance companies began creating detailed maps to give underwriters the information they needed to assess fire risk.  Among the many mapmakers was Daniel Alfred Sanborn, a civil engineer and surveyor.  Sanborn began working in the field in 1866 and soon established the D. A. Sanborn National Insurance Diagram Bureau in New York City.  Within several decades, his map company had become the largest and most successful in the US. 


The Sanborn Company sent out legions of surveyors to map building footprints in all major urbanized areas, along with building details related to fire risk.  At its peak in the 1920s, the company employed about 700 people, including around 300 field surveyors.  Over time, Sanborn diversified into other mapping activities.  As of 2020, it is primarily a geospatial specialist and holder of electronic GIS assets and systems; however, the fire insurance business continues as a niche department.  Corporate headquarters are now in Colorado.

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Fire was a constant problem for the residents of Hillsborough.  At least five fires destroyed large swathes of the business district.  They occurred in 1790, 1888, 1894, and 1920.  There were two especially destructive fires in 1888:  one in March that consumed most of Lot 6, the other in December that destroyed much of Lot 25.  Several of the businesses that were affected in March were hit again in December.  The 1894 fire happened in February on Lots 25 and 35.  As the gaps on the Sanborn map reveal, many buildings were lost.

A February 3, 1894 account of the fire in the Orange County Observer

Mapping the Businesses of Hillsborough


In June 2023, the Orange County Historical Museum began an ambitious project to chart the businesses that have existed in the downtown, historic district of Hillsborough.  Phase 1 depicts the commercial activities along Churton Street from just below Margaret Lane to just above Tryon Street, focusing on the businesses that fronted Churton Street.  Other phases will expand the coverage.

This website was created and is maintained by the Orange County Historical Museum


If you have additional information to share or if you notice information that is incorrect, please

email: or phone: 919-732-2201


Special thanks to al those who contributed information to this project including:

Mark Chilton, H. Gee Coleman, Kaye Williams Crawford, Judy Frank, Brooks Graebner, Sue Smith Liner, Tom Magnuson, Kate Millard, Kim Morris, Steven Rankin, Alice Seelye, Remus Smith, Jr., and Wesley Woods,


The information about the businesses along Churton Street in 2024 was collected by the Hillsborough/Orange County Chamber of Commerce.  Our sincere appreciation to Scott Czechlewski and Erika Isley.







Much of the information for this site was found at

Another essential source was Stewart E. Dunaway's Hillsborough NC:  History of Town Lots, The Complete Reference Guide.

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The mission of the Historical Foundation of Hillsborough and Orange County is
to enlighten and engage our community and visitors from around the world 
by preserving and interpreting the history of Hillsborough and Orange County.
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